Saturday, 25 June 2011

One step forward but still 1 step behind

Another beautiful Summers day in Wexford and the drains are flowing with the rain of a month that fell in a day. The now usual Friday evening session in Westpoint looked on the face of it to be a nice uncomplicated and peaceful schedule. Initially jerks, then some casual snatches, some hold & swings and that was that. "An easy night lads" says Mick before he apologises for next weeks routines. The ideal night to progress to 16Kg bells.
Yes...20lbs extra per jerk was pleasant. Delighted to be honest...then noticed Paul had gone to 24Kgs (much to the dismay of Mick), George was on 20s as was Jason. So progress by me didn't match the others...just kept up with my own progress. Still, progress is progress.
An observation was made though...or was made for me and confirmed. When warming up, Mick swings his arms twice as long with the right arm than the left. That's because he talks when swinging the right arm, not the left. There has to be some medical explanation to it...
And one can only assume that after that session some individuals monitored the balanced diet of 2 quarter pounders with chips. I'm liking this Kettlebell sport!

1 comment:

  1. remember the balance in the diet comes in holding a quarter pounder in each hand
