I don't mind Mondays really. Not having as much freedom to "act the young lad" or to "party" with 3 sons at home makes Mondays that little bit easier. No. Mondays are fine. It's when it comes to the Kettlebell Club that I have just a little difficulty on Monday. 11th July damn near killed me.
The previous Friday was great - 32 minutes of 1min on/1 min off jerks on 16Kg kettlebells. 15 reps per minute with good form and plenty left in the tank. Then 16 minutes snatch with a 12Kg kettlebell with, granted, quite a lot of alternating hands near the end. But all was well and the spring was in my step going home.
Saturday was quite casual then 2 hours on a bike at quite big gears (top gear for a lot of it) on Sunday. Then come Monday and in the first minute I knew this wasn't going to be a good one. Micks telephone number for the Chinese 2-4-7-4-2 looked challenging but not a hurdle. But no. Minute 1 and my form had slipped. By the 7 minute spell I had dropped the kettlebells. By the end I had dropped it 3 times...it's a habit I don't want to allow in. Stats showed still an even 10 reps per minute though.
So, what's going wrong? Is anything going wrong? It could be said that after 2 months at the sport on 16Kg kettlebells that this is quite an advancement...I don't buy that philosophy. It's challenging but by some peoples reckoning if you can do 6 reps per minute you should advance to the next level. That's a bit extreme but maybe there's some merit in it. I reckon the Sunday spins are too heavy going on the legs to allow for progression on the Monday. If you can't correctly elevate the kettlebells using the legs after the Sunday spin then you use your arms more, fatigue sets in and you loose form quickly. I don't have this issue on Friday. Doing a 2 hour spin on a Saturday might be the answer although after the Friday night fun-fest this may compromise correct cycling technique. For the moment the kettlebell comes first so this may be a solution. Only time and experimentation will tell. Otherwise the bike will be left out in the snow like the young lads below!
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